Organization Structure

  1. Board of Directors (Arvind Sharma, Jeffery Long, Pankaj Jain, Lavanya Vemsani, Hari Kiran Vadlamani)
  2. Executive Council – President (Lavanya Vemsani), Secretary (Mona Rawal)
  3. Research Council – select body of only active researchers (equiv. of tenured faculty)
  4. Faculty Council
  5. Students Council – all students
  6. Donors Council – all donors
  7. Volunteer Corps – all volunteers
  8. Advisory committee
  9. Standing committees
  10. Select committees
  • Separation of Chair (policy & planning), Vice-Chair (evaluation, arbitration and audit) and President (Chief Executive) roles
  • Board of Directors appoints the President as CEO, and President further appoints executives, assigns other responsibilities
  • Board cannot interfere with the Executive functions – the Board can only appoint and withdraw the President
  • Budgeting is a policy/legislative function – budget / ad-hoc appropriations will be approved by the Board
  • First five directors – charter directors – all from Research Council – by selection, then by elections
  • Sixty percent (60%) or more seats on the board of directors reserved for the Research Council
  • Twenty percent (20%) or less seats on the board of directors for the Donors Council
  • Twenty percent (20%) or less seats on the board of directors for general membership
  • Research Council will always be headed by the President (equivalent of a Provost)
  • Qualifying parameters for admission to the Research Council
    • Nomination by minimum of three; self-nomination not allowed
    • Research and publication activity
    • Number of students citing the research papers
    • Grants and awards
    • Admission to the Research Council approved by the Board
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